Experienced Full Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the research industry. Skilled in mobile networks, machine learning, stochastic systems, uncertainty modelling and simulations, Industrial Digitalization, education and Lecturing. Strong education professional with a D.Sc. in technology focused in Wireless Communication Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology. Email: mohammed.elmusrati@uwasa.fi
Head, Department of Management & Industrial Engineering, Editor in Chief of "Technology & Industry" Review & its "News Letter", Quality Assurance Manager, Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies (TIMS), Cairo, Egypt. Email: elewa.kamel45@outlook.com
Prof Hamid Alsharwali is the head of renewable energy. He is acadmic staff at Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Uiniversity of theTripoli. Email: h.sherwali@uot.edu.ly
Asscoiate prof. Azeddien Kinsheel is one of the staff members at the department of 3 faculty of 2. He is working as a since 2016-05-01. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest. Email: a.kinsheel@uot.edu.ly
Prof Raja is working at the indian Institute of Technology Bombay | IIT Bombay ยท Department of Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science Including Corrosion Science & Engineering. Ph.D Metallurgy (1987), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Title: "Stress Corrosion Cracking: Problems, Case Studies and Solutions"
Email: vsraja@iitb.ac.in
NasarAldian Ambark Shashoa is Associate Professor at Libyan academy for postgraduate studies. His research interests are control engineering, system identification, fault detection and isolation, and pattern recognition. Original results have been published more than forty papers in international journals and international conferences. He is an international program committee member, steering committee member and scientific committee member in several international conferences at different countries. He is IEEE Libya Subsection Chair, and Vice President ISKO-Maghreb (Libya branch). In addition, he is an IEEE member, IEEE Control Systems Society Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society Member and IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Subject: "IEEE Organization, Definition, Aims and Benefits"